Posted on: September 25, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

Tight hamstrings are a problem not only for athletes but also for those who just walk or engage in everyday activities. Tight hamstrings can cause pain in the low back, hips and quad muscles in front of the legs because, like a pair of tight cables, they pull the pelvic structure off kilter. When people experience low back or hip pain, they usually try and stretch those areas. While some short-term gains are found, success is short lived, as the problem may not originate there, but in the hamstrings. Only by working out the muscle spasm and tightness in the hamstrings can the other areas off-set by them, be reduced of their pain, too.

In today’s video Dennis Angelina will show you how to use the common lacrosse ball to create more mobility and lengthen your hamstrings.