Posted on: April 10, 2015 Posted by: Michele Lee Comments: 0

Qi Gong

Physical and emotional stress and fatigue are one of the joy stealers of our time.

Long hours of work, endless loops of mental clutter, sitting more than moving, and especially travel take their daily toll on our minds, bodies and energy systems.

More than merely engaging in physical exercise, the body needs stretching, the breath needs synchronizing, the mind needs releasing, and the energy systems need opening.

In today’s video article my friend Arthur Rosenfeld, an ordained Daoist monk, will share with you these powerful yet simple eight movement exercises.

The Eight Brocade Qigong set

Ba Duan Jin (Eight Brocade) QiGong Exercise

In China there is a form of mind-body practice set in eight routines that was found on scrolls dating back 2,000 years. These eight postures are known as the “eight brocades” or silken treasures, and even today are among the best exercises one can do to rejuvenate their mind, body and energy systems. Each specific exercise in the set moves a different series of body parts stretches energy meridians and affects the organ systems in different ways.

The Eight Brocade Qigong set is the most popular Qigong method in China. And like most things of its time period, the names given to these exercises are poetic. The basic idea is to do each of these eight exercises a total of eight times each. This only takes a few minutes and can be done several times throughout the day. Below are brief descriptions of each movement. The video offers the detail.